NOTE - This is posted as historical informaton only!
For current medical information, call your local Poison Control Center.
For a medical emergency, call you local authorities.
Stedman's Shorter Medical Dictionary
Poisons & Antidotes
by T. L. Stedman, M.D., Wilcox & Follett Co., 1942
---Hydrocyanic Acid---
Symptoms: Hot, bitter taste on swallowing followed by constriction in throat, oppression of chest, suffocation, dizziness, heaviness, pain, and pressure in head; mind confused; sight dimmed; pulse rapid, respiration slow; face pale, finger tips cyanosed.
Treatment: Magnesia in water followed by tincture of chloride of iron or sulfate of iron in water; chlorinated lime (bleaching powder); inhalation of ammonia, artificial respiration, oxygen.
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