Conversion Factors

Centimeters--cm x 0.394 = Inches
Feet--ft x 30.48 = Centimeters
Feet--ft x .3048 = Meters
Inches--in x 2.540 = Centimeters
Meters--m x 3.281 = Feet
Meters--m x 39.37 = Inches
Meters--m x 1.094 = Yards

Cubic Centimeters--cu cm x 0.06102 = Cubic inches
Cubic Feet--cu ft x 28320 = Cubic centimeters
Cubic Feet--cu ft x 7.481 = Gallons
Cubic Inches--cu in x 16.39 = Cubic Centimeters
Gallons--gal x 8.322 = Pounds of water
Liters--1 x 0.2642 = Gallons

Degrees Celsius--(degrees celsius x 9/5) + 32 = degrees Fahrenheit
Degrees Fahrenheit--(degrees Fahrenheit - 32) x 5/9 = degrees Celsius

Kilograms--kg x 2.205 = pounds
Pounds--lb x 453.6 = grams
1 ounce = 28.35 grams
1/8 ounce = 3.54 grams

Lux x 0.0929 = Foot candle
Candles/Square Meter x 0.2918 = Foot lambert

Area Measure (Metric)
100 square millimeters = 1 sq centimeter
10,000 square centimeters = 1 sq meter = 1,000,000 sq millimeters
100 square meters = 1 are (a)
100 ares = 1 hectare (ha) = 10,000 sq meters
100 hectares = 1 sq kilometer = 1,000,000 sq meters

Area Measure (U.S.)
144 square inches = 1 sq ft
9 square feet = 1 sq yd = 1,296 sq in.
30 1/4 square yards = 1 sq rd = 272 1//4 sq ft.
160 sq rods = 1 acre =4,840 sq yds = 43,560 sq ft.
640 acres = 1 sq mi.
1 mile square = 1 section (of land)
6 miles square = 1 township = 36 sections =36 sq mi.

Cubic Measure (U.S.)
1,728 cubic inches = 1 cu ft.
27 cubic feet = 1 cu yd.

Liquid Measure (U.S.)
When necessary to distinguish the liquid pint or quart from the dry pint or quart, the word "liquid" or the abbreviation "liq" should be used in combination with the name or abbreviation of the liquid unit.
4 gills (gi) = 1 pint (pt) (=28.875 cu in.)
2 pints = 1 quart (qt) (=57.75 cu in.)
4 quarts = 1 gal (=231 cu in.) = 128 fl oz = 1,024 fl drs

Apothecaries Fluid Measure
60 minims (min.) = 1 fluid dram (fl dr) (= 0.2256 cu in.)
8 fluid drams = 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) (= 1.8047 cu in.)
16 fluid ounces = 1 pt (= 28.875 cu in.) = 128 fl drs
2 pints = 1 qt (= 57.75 cu in.) = 32 fl oz = 256 fl drs
4 quarts = 1 gal (= 231 cu in.) = 128 fl oz = 1,024 fl drs

Dry Measure
When necessary to distinquish the dry pint of quart from the pint of quart; the word "dry" shuld be used in combination with the name or abbreviation of the dry unit.
2 pints = 1 qu (=67.2006 cu in.)
8 quarts = 1 peck (pk) (=537.605 cu in.) = 16 pts
4 pecks = 1 bushel (bu) (= 2,150.42 cu in.) = 32 qts Home Page

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