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Safe Seed Safe Planet, Seed Catalogs and Cool New Plants
Enter the new millenium... To date there are over 50 seed companies who have signed the pledge. If you are concerned about contamination from genetically engineered organisms then be sure to buy your seed from organic seed companies and or companies that have signed this pledge. If you would like the list of companies who have signed it email me at gardngyrl@humboldt1.com. The Jan/Feb issue of Organic Gardening has a great list of seed companies, broken down into categories covering vegetables, flowers, herbs, edible and ornamental plants, who have signed the pledge. It also tells you what percentage of each company's seeds is produced organically, whether or not you can order on-line and where to send for a catalog. This alone makes it worth the $4 cover price. Fortunately all of my favorite companies have signed the pledge. I have to say I was disappointed that Territorial did not publish the pledge anywhere in their catalog. They do however boast about the introduction of "not just one&two certified organic hybrid winter squashes". I don't know about you but I don't consider the introduction of new hybrid varieties something to celebrate, even if they were conceived "organically". Sounds like a contradiction to me. I didn't plan on ragging against this company but I just reread their inside cover and I'm disgusted now. They brag about their involvement in the organic agriculture movement, yet only 10% of the seed they offer is organic. Ok, ok I'll let it go. So what's new and interesting for 2001? Lets start with herbs. I've decided to grow more of them in place of flowers this year. Trying to guess which flowers the deer will leave alone has proved impossible. Each year I think I've got it figured out the deer decide they would like to try something new. Like the year I noticed they left the gladiolus alone. So the next spring I planted tons of glads, you know where I'm going with this don't you? Decimated! chowed to the ground!, ravaged!, this is what the deer did to my glads. I think it's a conspiracy the deer planned because we are cutting down and developing their land. I think they read the gardening magazines to find out which plants we think they don't like, then they target those plants for total annihilation.
There is a new color of Cerinthe available this year from the RH Shumway Company (1-800-322-7288). It's called Blue Kiwi and it has really unusual greenish blue leaves and an incredible azure and purple bell shaped flower. The new variety is called Yellow Candy and has, according to the picture, the same leaf color with a really pretty contrasting purple and yellow bell shaped flower. I'm going to give it a try. Blue Kiwi has been a great addition to my garden and it readily self-sows so there are always new plants coming on. If Yellow Candy has the same habits I'll be a happy girl.
There are some new colors for calenduals. Last year I tried Touch of Red and was really pleased, except they don't seem to set seed or self-sow as prolifically as regular old yellow/orange calendulas. This year several companies are offering Déja Vu, a calendula mix that produces tones of pink, orange, cream with burnt orange and some with darker tones on the underneath of the petal. Indian Prince is dark orange on top and mahogany underneath. I'll try both of these, even if they don't self-sow they add great color to the winter garden. I could go on there are lots of cool seeds/plants being offered through catalogs. Most catalogs are free for the asking; many that charge for the catalog give it back as a credit when you order something from them.
The small seed company is alive and well, all-organic seed companies are on the rise and more and more old time varieties are being brought back from the brink of extinction thanks to the numerous seed saving banks that have sprung up around the world. We need to support them, so when you are planning this summer's garden be sure to buy seed from companies that have signed the Safe Seed Pledge or are organic. |
~plagiarism is ethically and morally wrong.~
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