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Atropa belladonna ( Deadly Nightshade) is native to central and southern Europe and parts of Asia. Its name in Italian means beautiful women, bella and donna. Atropa comes from the name Atropos, the Fate who cuts the thread of life. Other names for it include Death's Herb, Deadly Nightshade, Devils' cherries, Sorcerers berries and witch's berry. Yeah, that's right it can kill you so don't fool around with it. The dried leaves of the plant are used but the whole plant is poisonous. Various alkaloids are extracted from the dried leaves. The chief of which are atropine, hyoscyamine, tropane, and scopolamine. You may have been given atropine drops to dilate your pupils the last time you saw your ophthalmologist. In the past Italian women were said to use atropine drops to dilate their pupils to make them look bright eyed and more alluring.( Man, the lengths women will go to. I have had my pupils dilated by atropine; any exposure to light is excruciatingly painful.) Atropine works this way because it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system; it also relives pain and can reduce muscle spasm. Scopolamine is a central nervous system depressant, it has been used as a sedative, to treat insomnia and to reduce the symptoms of motion sickness. This sedative effect can have a deadly end when too much is used. Indeed it was a favored poison in the Roman courts. The tropane constituent is responsible for its hallucinatory effects and why witches used it in their recipes for flying ointment. According to Michael Tierra, Belladonna is characterized energetically as bitter, warm and toxic. It is a watery feminine herb ruled by Saturn. It affects the liver and is being studied as a possible cure for cancer. Mandrake or Mandragora officinarum is also native to southern Europe and should not be confused with American Mandrake or Mayapple which is actually Podophyllum peltatum (which is sometimes substituted for real mandrake). Its use goes back ages, one of the earliest references come from the bible in Genesis 30: 14-16. It's name refers to the shape of the root system, which is large, fleshy and branched. Some think it in the shape of a man others with more imagination say it looks like a penis. The latter description may be why it is thought to be an aphrodisiac and is used to treat sterility. The root is buried beneath Medusa's corpse in the Agora at Athens. Hence Man-dragora. The active constituents are a series of alkaloids including scopolamine, hyoscyamine and mandrogines. It has very strong laxative properties, which operate by stimulating the release of bile from the liver and gall ducts. It is a fiery, masculine herb ruled by Mercury. The root is considered a protective charm, aiding fertility, attracting money, love and health. It was carried as a charm and became associated with witches. It was used extensively to treat melancholy, convulsions and rheumatic pain. In large doses it "excites delirium and madness". In other words it's a hallucinogen and may have been part of a recipe for flying ointment. I want to end by cautioning against use of these herbs except under strict medical consultation. They are very powerful and can be a great help when used by someone who understands their power; conversely they can be very powerfully dangerous, even deadly when used by someone with little understanding. I know there are those of you out there who won't listen to my caution so I'll leave you with a little story. There once was a young woman who thought she might try some Mandrake tea. She had heard that you could get high on it and wanted to give it a go. So she boiled up her tea and choked the stinking concoction down. Half an hour later she felt nothing, so she gagged another cupful down. Well within minutes she was puking and shitting out everything in her belly and more. This lasted for days. Yes, days of puking up burning bile and shitting watery bile. But did she get high you want to know. No she did not. She got sick, you can too if you fool around with things you don't understand.
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