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Those Amazing Bumbles

I’m bringing home a baby bumble bee,
Won’t my mommy be surprised at me,
I’m bringing home a baby bumble bee,

Ooh, aah, it stung me!

I just came in from inspecting the garden. That’s what I do when I’m too tired or lazy too actually work in the garden but feel like I should be doing something in the garden. So I mosey around looking at this and that, compiling a list of things to do for when I feel like some actual work is called for. The bumblebees were hard at work collecting pollen and pollinating flowers, filling the air with their rumbling buzz. They seemed to especially like the Linaria purpurea, or Toadflax. These purple, pink or white flowered plants send up dozens of 4 foot flower spikes, the last foot or so is covered in tiny little flowers that the bumblebees find irresistible. I love this plant, it makes the bees happy, is a great cut flower and seeds itself with wild abandon filling empty spots in the garden and creating that full lush look that all gardeners dream of.

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