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  The Therapeutic Benefits of Aromatherapy
By Eirian Hallinan
March 27, 2012

The benefits of aromatherapy combine the medical and psychotherapeutic properties of essential oils with the emotional and physical effects of massage. Aromatherapy is a stress reliever and mood enhancer plus it also achieves great success in treating minor disorders that doctors can find problematic in dealing with in such a gentle way. Combined with a good diet, exercise, plenty of water and herbal teas, aromatherapy can help maintain your body in tip-top condition!

Aromatherapy can enhance your health in lots of ways for example by:
stimulating your immune system which strengthens your body’s ability to resist disease and infections
aiding common female problems such as menopausal distress and PMS
alleviating digestive problems such as constipation and abdominal spasms
enhancing the respiratory system so can treat coughs, sinusitis and tonsillitis
easing muscular pain by promoting muscle relaxation and toning
improving circulation and lymphatic drainage which can help in eliminating cellulite and toxins
lowering blood pressure
combating stress related disorders such as insomnia and tension headaches amongst others
treating anxiety, depression and grief
You can use essential oils within your skin and hair care regime. For skin there are oils which can balance the sebum production and also tone your complexion. There are oils for treating athlete’s foot, cold sores, scabies and ringworm. You can use certain oils in your hair to make it grow stronger and faster, improve the circulation in your scalp and help eradicate dandruff.

Aromatherapy is often used in first aid measures for ailments such as colds and blocked noses plus helpful for treating minor injuries that happen at home like minor burns and cuts.

The following is a couple of examples of beneficial oils especially helpful in the winter for you and your children when you are susceptible to catching coughs and colds.

Eucalyptus Smithii – A resourceful essential oil for illnesses. It is a rich and pungent antiseptic essential oil which has a particular affinity with the respiratory system. It is the mildest of all the Eucalyptus so suitable for children and the elderly. For high temperatures put 2 drops your child’s bathwater. For chesty coughs, put 4 drops in an egg cup with some olive oil and rub onto your child’s back up to four times a day. For sinus congestions, add 2 drops in an egg cup of lotion and apply gently to your child’s cheekbones and forehead several times a day. For aches and pains, use 2 drops in the bath as detailed above, or you can blend 4 drops into an egg cup with some sesame seed oil and then massage this gently into the affected areas

Chamomile Roman – It is a calming and soothing essential oil with a pleasant apple-like aroma. It is traditionally used for promoting relaxation and is particularly good for use with children and infants. To assist you or your child in getting a good night’s sleep put 2 drops onto a piece of tissue and put it inside your pillowcase so that the aroma from the evaporating oil will fill the bedroom aiding relaxation. For a relaxing bath just add 2 drops to the water. For high temperatures and irritated skin add 4 drops to an egg cup with cream and sparingly apply the blend to the affected areas a few times a day.

Eirian Hallinan has written numerous articles in the natural health field. She believes in healing naturally, first, especially when it comes to infant colic.


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